COVID-19 Screening Checklist

Self-screening must be completed by all CVSSC players prior to arriving at each game. The answer to all of the questions in the self-screening checklist below must be “NO” in order to participate in our leagues, unless the symptoms are chronic or related to other know causes or conditions. At any point, the government or public health authorities may issue stronger screening checklist guidelines, which would override this checklist.

Proof of Vaccination Update: By provincial health order, all Indoor Sports participants in BC are currently required to be fully vaccinated.  Players must have their proof of vaccination and piece of government ID with them. The updated restrictions can be found online at:

Are you currently experiencing any of the following symptoms of COVID-19?
Fever and/or Chills YES NO
Cough YES NO
Shortness of Breath / Difficulty Breathing YES NO
Sore Throat/Painful Swallowing YES NO
Extreme Fatigue/Body Aches/Joint Pain YES NO
Nausea / Vomiting / Diarrhea YES NO
Loss of Sense of Taste or Smell YES NO
Runny Nose / Nasal Congestion YES NO
Has a doctor, health care provider or public health unit told you that you should currently be isolating? YES NO
Are you or anyone in your household currently under quarantine orders related to travel outside Canada (or otherwise)? YES NO
Are you a close contact of a COVID-19 positive case? YES NO