Ultimate Frisbee is massive in many parts of Canada, with hundreds of teams and reams of tournaments — and rightfully so. The sport is extremely fun, easy to learn and very addictive.

Ultimate is an exciting, non-contact sport that combines some of the best aspects of football, basketball and soccer with the joys of throwing a disc. It’s fun to play, and best of all, prides itself on the “spirit of the game” (fair play, sportsmanship, joy of the game). Rookies are always welcome and the veterans of the sport are helpful in teaching skills and techniques.

The ultimate Frisbee league is open to players and teams from Courtenay, Comox, Cumberland, Campbell River and surrounding areas. See you out on the grassy fields of the Comox Valley!



Co-ed Ultimate Frisbee

  • – Spring and Summer are 5-on-5, with two female players on field. These seasons have 8 weeks of games, including playoffs.
  • – Fall season is a 7-on-7 mix-up league where everyone registers as individuals. We make four balanced teams and play a 5-week season, including playoffs.
  • – Game times are approximately 90 minutes and take place between 6-9 p.m.


Spring Leagues
Mondays League:

  • – Runs approx. April 7 to mid June.
  • – Registration opens Feb. 15 and closes March 26.
Summer Leagues – Register by June 14th
Mondays League:

  • – Runs approx. June 16 to end of August.
  • – Registration opens May 1 and closes June 4.
Fall Leagues 
Mondays 7-on-7 Mix-Up League:

  • – Five weeks starting Sept. 8.
  • – All players register as individuals (can request one person to play with) and get split up into four even teams for 7v7 play. Max of 60 players. Teams play each other once and then 2 weeks of playoffs.
  • – $40 per individual.
  • – Multiple games at Lewis Park and/or Turf Field under the lights.
  • – Registration opens Aug. 1 and closes Sept. 1.
Where Queeneesh Elementary (2345 Mission Road)

Mark Isfeld Secondary (1551 Lerwick Rd, Courtenay)

Highland Secondary (775 Torrence Rd, Comox),

G.P. Vanier Secondary (4830 Headquarters Rd, Courtenay)

Lewis Park (489 Old Island Highway, Courtenay)

Woodcote Park (Willemar & 17th St, Courtenay)

19 Wing Community and Recreation Centre (1575 Military Row, Comox)

Who Anyone who wants to have a good time. Players can sign up as individuals, with some friends, or an entire team.
How Much Spring and Summer Leagues:

$550/team (tax included)
$70/individual (tax included)

Fall League:

$40/individual. (Players can request one player to play with and teams are mixed up and balanced for season).

Click on the applicable button below to register and pay league fees for a team or an individual. To register a small group, each player completes an individual registration and notes their friends in the “friends” box. We’ll take care of you from there. Have fun!

Subs: Those who miss the registration deadline can also contact us to be put on the spares list, though with no guarantee of playing.

Mon: $70 p/Season Individual

Register as an individual

  • Includes Tax
  • Keep fit, have fun

Mon: $550 p/Season Team

Register as a team

  • Includes Tax
  • Keep fit, have fun