The number in the Colour Priority column is each team’s priority for using that colour. If you play a team of same colour, the team with priority gets to wear it and the other team must wear a different one. We don’t always have access to pinnies at the Base, so please plan ahead each week.
*Please ensure all teammates have read the rules, Return-to-Play Guidelines and sport specific adjustments before their first game.
Games are Thursdays and are 1-hour slots between 6-10 p.m. at the 19 Wing Gym, unless otherwise specified. Addresses are embedded in the schedule.
Coordinator: Ashianna Tearne
Coordinator: Ashianna Tearne
Coordinator: Ashianna Tearne
Coordinator: Ashianna Tearne
**Winter Leagues Registration Closes January 4**
Check out our Leagues in: Basketball, Indoor Volleyball and Dodgeball!